Monday, August 25, 2008

Importance of Engineers (Portfolio 1)

With reference to the article [1], the shortage supply of quality and quantity water is a concern to all. Everyone and everything on earth needs water to survive. This could explain to us why the earth is made up of seventy percent of water, since it is such an importance source of element.

One of the ongoing issues the world is facing is water. Water is an essential source on earth. Human needs water for consumption, plants need water to survive too. Water would have been classified as an asset to the world.

In the South East Asia region, Malaysia has been providing water to Singapore. Over the years, Singapore is very dependent on Malaysia for the water supply. Due to the reason of being over dependent on Malaysia, this has put Singapore in a very dangerous position. Imagine one day, Malaysia was to cut off the supply to Singapore, it would be disastrous. Malaysia would have a trump card over Singapore. Thus, Singaporean would always live under the threat of Malaysia.

To solve the issue, Singapore has poured in engineers to improve the status of water. Singapore has the water catchments reservoir to supplement to the supply of Singapore. In addition to that, Singapore also came up with NEWater. All these efforts by the government and engineers are directed with one aim that is to provide enough water supplies for the population. Likewise, other than engineers coming up with new inventions and ideas, government also promote conserve water campaign.

Finally, to summarize, our future engineers play an important role in developing more ideas to overcome the shortage of water supply as well as the threat against Malaysia.
As a qualified engineer in the working sector, they will face plenty of real life circumstances. They shall go through the stringent of learning and experimenting to always improve and analyze the situation. Engineers who shall be the asset of the invention will face more hurdles as time goes.


-=[Terence]=- said...

According to my point of view, the first and second paragraph described almost the same idea which can be combined to form one paragraph.

I agreed with Chin Wee that engineers are doing great in overcoming the water shortage in Singapore. Indeed, the reservoir and the NEWater system did help to a great extent, which allow us to purchase much lesser water from neighbouring countries. Actually, the shortage of water is still a challenge to the engineers. Our engineers will need to work towards achieving hundred percent of water supply by ourselves.

However, as our engineers are doing an excellent job, the invention such as the NEWater is not disperse around the globe which may be essential to certain countries.

Nam Truong said...

there is no argument with your idea that engineers are an essential asset of finding a fresh and stable water supply for your country in the future. The government also makes a correct decision of funding much in educating more engineers.
In fact, Singapore has to import water from neighbour countries for a long time, but I think this is just a temporarily good solution and not the best choice in a long run. I hope that the new engineering generation of Singapore will help their country solve the problem of water shortage and overcome the threat of dependence on other countries just because of water supply.

darrylgoh said...

Everyone knows how precious water is and we are indeed in a very dangerous state. If Malaysia were to cut off water one day, how long do u think we need to survive without water before Singapore starts looking for another provider.

Now we got professional engineers to resolve this problem with the NEWater. This NEWater may not be that important to us now and to some people it is just another technology of the engineers but if Malaysia were to cut our water supply now, Singapore will not have to worry as we will have back up water for us to use before another provider is found.

In conclusion, water is very precious, we need to have a day for people to live without water to understand what it is like to have water being cut-off.

The essay is well-written but the introduction and the conclusion are not of the same focus. I believe the topic sentence should stress the importance of Engineers, this will make the essay better organised.