Saturday, November 1, 2008

How engineering contribute to society(Portfolio 6)

I believe the existence of engineers is to contribute continuous improvement and inventions to the society. Over the years, the advancement of technology has brought convenient to our daily life. Firstly, in the case of health care, the advancement of technology has brought in more sophisticated medical equipment to cure more illness. Secondly, in the case of security, the ever increasing demand for more high technology use in army will give us a more security homeland. Thirdly, in the case of joy in life, more and more entertainments are invented to bring joy to the public. Lastly, in term of the environment, engineers are working hard to counter the depletion of natural resources. All in all, I feel that the most important issue that engineers should look into is the counter action of replacing the depletion in natural resources. There are plenty of articles stating that engineers are looking into ways to replace the ways of natural resources such as water and fossil fuels. Studies have shown that to replace the depletion of fossil fuels, Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) could be used to replace the fossil fuels. However, a lot of other considerations have to be taken care when such technology is used. For example when, where to store carbon and how carbon should be transported or captured.
In conclusion, engineer will face plenty of challenges irregardless of any form of improvement they wish to bring to the society.

Ethical Issues of Brain Mapping (Portfolio 5)

The discovery of brain mapping has brought ethical concern to the society. Brain mapping is a useful technology that enables us to understand the functionality of our brain, however, there are some ethical concerns with regards to the use brain mapping concept. Firstly, this brain mapping concept is capable of identifying human brain activation pattern. Secondly, it is also capable for the use of brain scans to identify thoughts which can lead to the study of certain medical disorder sickness. Most amazingly, it is also capable to differentiate between the lying and truth telling which could aid in the investigating criminals. Although brain mapping is useful, ethical concerns need to be justified when it is use. Firstly, we need to identify who should be tested with brain imaging process. Would it be anyone who simply volunteers themselves? Or would it suspect criminals or dying patients? Secondly, we need to justify the privacy of individual who is tested with brain imaging. Would the privacy of the individual be invaded he/she was to go through the process? Thirdly, we need to take the considerations of imaging processing use in children. Would parents use this technology to enrich the growth of their children but unknowingly bring undesirable effect on them? If I am the researcher of this brain mapping, I must try to minimize the potential unethical concerns. I would seek the views of public, I would seek the views of the experts and I would consistently work towards to success of public appeal rather than the success of the final product. Imaging if I am to come up with a product that is unethical and not appealing to the public, what is the success rate of the public using the product? In conclusion, I would like to bring the attention of brain mapping technology, it is useful but we need to justify the ethical concern before it is commercially use.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Difficulties in Engineering Classes(Portfolio 4)

The difficulties of engineering classes come in many form. Some of these difficulties are understanding the theories, familiarizing with the codes and applying codes or equations to problem. Usually these difficulties arise mainly due to the insufficient knowledge on the basics in engineering. In the course of studies, sometime I would tend to neglect on certain topics where I found them too boring or tough to cope. As a result, when the lecturer teaches more in deep in those topics, I would find it hard to understand in the lectures. In the engineering course, it differs from those business course and others non-engineering related courses. It is because in engineering it deals with more logics rather than hundred over pages of concepts. Therefore, to solve these difficulties in engineering course, I need to master well in the fundamental of engineering. Thus, I will be able to grasp hold of the logics used in engineering. In engineering course, the first step to master well in it is to understand the theory concept. Once only the theory concept is clear and make sense to me, I will then be able make to apply the concepts with the necessary equations to solve the problems. The theories in engineering course are usually short and supported with proofs or equations. In actual facts, what make studying engineering difficult is the complexity of the equations used and usually not the theories. Thus, at certain times, I am able to understand what the lecturers are teaching, but once they start to bring in complex equations, I would not be able to understand how and why they could derive with an answer using that complicated equations. Finally, it can be explained that to do well in engineering course, I have to build a strong foundation in engineering mathematics and continuing to learn the fundamentals well. If not, I will unable to understand the beauty of engineering.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Ray of light for water industry (Portfolio 3)

Providing clean water to the world population is one of the 14 grand challenges for engineering. At some part of the world, engineers are developing new technology to provide clean water. Scientists at the University of Aberdeen came up with an idea of using sunlight to treat dirty water. This new research is capable of creating electricity simultaneously. The new research program known as the sunlight-driven technology is supported by three industrial partners namely the OpTIC Technium, Yorkshire Water and Scotoil Services. The three industrial partners have diversified the project into individual sectors. The Yorkshire will focus on the potential within water supply, the Scotoil will offers industry knowledge and testing facilities and the OpTIC Technium will support the manufacturing expertise. This project is funded by the UK Government Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and they has committed a total of £1.2m. Dr Donald Macphee stated that it is an environmental-friendly technology aiming to clean up the pollutants found in the water supply. On top of that, this technology is capable of providing electricity. It has the potential to be a cost effective and environmental- friendly technology. This new technology will include treatment of industrial liquid waste, polluted water from landfill sites and dirt from oil and gas sector. In addition to that, it is suitable for the treatment of contaminated water in the developing countries. Thus, the success of this technology would bring the developing countries an improvement to their water supply. All in all, this new research would carry on for three years. The objective of this project is simply to enhance the water quality in the developing countries as well as to provide access to clean water in more regions. A technology that is so cost effective and does not possess a threat to the environmental is indeed a great invention.

Ray of light for water industry
Retrieved September 20, 2008 from

Sunday, August 31, 2008

My Grammer Mistake (SVA) Portfolio 2

English is the widely used language on Earth. It is one of the communication links between people. It would an added advantage to be literate in English. However, to master the language well is not easy because in English, you need focus on the use of nouns, verbs, tenses and many other more. One of my common grammar mistakes I often make is the Subject Verb Agreement.

In a sentence, I often fail to identify the correct subject. In Subject Verb Agreement, the basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb1. It is so important to identify the subject because it will determine the verb to be use. If the wrong subject is identified, it would lead to the wrong use of verb. It would lead to a wrong sentence of singular subject with the use of plural verb or vice versa.

For an example, “Other important reasons for the spread of English language are economic.” The subject of the sentence is “reasons”, since “reasons” is plural, so the verb used has to be plural too. Thus, “are” is the verb used in the sentence.

All in all, Subject Verb Agreement is an important part of a sentence structure. By using the correct verb with the corresponding subject will bring out the correct meaning of the sentence. Although Subject Verb Agreement is important, there are also many other grammar usage we need to consider too. Therefore, to form a sentence that make sense and bring meaning to reader required much effort too.


A Practice Exercise of Subject Verb Agreement

Why English?

The English language is used by more people in the world than any other living language today. This may seem surprising at first. After all, the population of the United Kingdom (1)____ (be) one of the smallest in the world. But of course the UK is not the only country whose native language (2)_______(be) English; the majority of people in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (3)________(be) also native English-speakers. However, even if you add up the populations of these countries the total only (4)________(come) to about 400 million, which (5)________(be) less than one-tenth of the population of the world.

Who else (6)_________(speak) English? Well, if we count all the English-speakers in India, Singapore and Hong Kong, that (7)_________(add) another 700 million to the total. Add all the people speaking English elsewhere and the total English-speaking population of the world (8)________(come) to an impressive one and a half billion!

This figure shows that there (9)______(be) more non-native speakers of English than there are native speakers. Why is this? There is one important historical reason: the influence of the British Empire -- the Empire that stretched across the globe. Although the Empire no longer (10)_____(exist), the English language is firmly rooted in its former colonies -- in Africa, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Far East, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean and North America.

Other important reasons for the spread of English language (11)______(be) economic. English is the language of international business and commerce. It is also the native language of the United States. So, any country wanting, for example, to trade with the United States, or to take advantage of its technology, (12)______(need) to operate in English. Also, most scientific and technological developments have been made by English-speaking societies. To keep up with such developments, to talk about them in international conferences, or write and read about them in scientific journals and books, scientists, scholars and students must be able to understand English.

These are obvious reasons for the spread and interest in the English language. But there is a rather less obvious reason. English is also the language of a popular culture. All over the globe millions of young people listen to pop music and watch pop videos. The stars who perform in English (13)________(be) by far the most famous. The songs of Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones, Police, Sting, Michael Jackson, and hundreds of other American and British singers (14)_______(be) heard all over the world. English has become an international language.

English is well suited to this role. Unlike many other languages, it has a built-in flexibility that (15)________(allow) constant adaptation and assimilation. In English, vocabulary from other languages (16)_________(be) often used, new words and combinations of words can be coined easily, nouns can be turned into verbs and vice versa.

Furthermore English does not suffer from having an academy (as (17)_____(do) France) which monitors the language and sets the standards of 'correctness'. What is correct in English (18)_______(be) often, simply, what (19)______(be) accepted as appropriate and understandable by those who (20)______(speak) it, whether they are native or non-native speakers.

This flexibility helps to explain why English has survived so well, why it can vary so much from speaker to speaker and why it has become a world language.
Passage taken from: GUO Jieke, YANG ying, JIN yan. 2002. College English Fast Reading (Book 2). Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press.

Answer for Passage:
Why English?
(1) is
Explanation: “population” (uncountable noun takes a singular verb)
(2) is
Explanation: “native language” as subject (singular)
(3) are
Explanation: “majority” as the subject here, verb can be singular or plural depending on whether the nouns after “of “ are singular or plural.
Explanation: “the total” as the subject (singular)
(5) is
Explanation: verb agrees with a sum number ( singular)
Explanation: Who (interrogative pronoun as subject, takes a singular verb)
(7) adds
Explanation: pronoun “that” as the subject here (singular)
(8) comes
Explanation: same as (1)
(9) are
Explanation: in “there be” structure, whether to use “is” or “are” is determined by the noun used after “there be”.
(10) exists
Explanation: “empire” as subject (singular)
Explanation: reasons (plural) as subject of the verb “be”
(12) needs
Explanation: “any country” used as subject (singular)
(13) are
Explanation: the subject here is “the stars (plural)
(14) are
Explanation: the subject here is “the songs” (plural)
(15) allows
Explanation: flexibility (uncountable noun) takes a singular verb
(16) is
Explanation: vocabulary (uncountable noun here) takes a singular verb
(17) does
Explanation: France is the subject here (subject)
(18) is
Explanation: The noun clause “What is correct” serves as the subject here and takes a
singular verb.
(19) is
Explanation: similar to 6
(20) speak
Explanation: those + verb in the plural form

Monday, August 25, 2008

Importance of Engineers (Portfolio 1)

With reference to the article [1], the shortage supply of quality and quantity water is a concern to all. Everyone and everything on earth needs water to survive. This could explain to us why the earth is made up of seventy percent of water, since it is such an importance source of element.

One of the ongoing issues the world is facing is water. Water is an essential source on earth. Human needs water for consumption, plants need water to survive too. Water would have been classified as an asset to the world.

In the South East Asia region, Malaysia has been providing water to Singapore. Over the years, Singapore is very dependent on Malaysia for the water supply. Due to the reason of being over dependent on Malaysia, this has put Singapore in a very dangerous position. Imagine one day, Malaysia was to cut off the supply to Singapore, it would be disastrous. Malaysia would have a trump card over Singapore. Thus, Singaporean would always live under the threat of Malaysia.

To solve the issue, Singapore has poured in engineers to improve the status of water. Singapore has the water catchments reservoir to supplement to the supply of Singapore. In addition to that, Singapore also came up with NEWater. All these efforts by the government and engineers are directed with one aim that is to provide enough water supplies for the population. Likewise, other than engineers coming up with new inventions and ideas, government also promote conserve water campaign.

Finally, to summarize, our future engineers play an important role in developing more ideas to overcome the shortage of water supply as well as the threat against Malaysia.
As a qualified engineer in the working sector, they will face plenty of real life circumstances. They shall go through the stringent of learning and experimenting to always improve and analyze the situation. Engineers who shall be the asset of the invention will face more hurdles as time goes.